This Crime is Rated a Felony

There is a sense of awe and wonder when you read a book, especially so when that book takes you somewhere special. That place being the author's very personal imagination. Something that you can almost tangibly feel, the effort, the emotion, their fears, their desires; whatever the mind can come up with and that the writer wishes to show us, it is euphoric to experience its like.Which is something I didn't experience here; the plot, characters; everything felt contrived, shallow, not well thought out. The scheme of the story was very short sighted, there just wasn't enough material. It is short and the pace was off. It is predictable and didn't fulfill any of my expectation.
I have read another book by the same author with similar results but was hoping that this one might be different, because, honestly the premise of the story sounds very fun. Neither of them delivered though.
What it comes down to is ultimately I just didn't care about this story or the characters
Admittedly I did listen the audio book and that might have contributed to my detachment of the tale. But still...